
Roleplaying (Roleplaying/Games Help)The Two Towers is a fantasy realm where people can anonymously come
and lose themselves for a while, playing the role of another person in
another world. To allow for varying personalities, we have created races
and alignments that allow for nearly infinite variety from "good" to
"evil" and everything in between. We encourage you to choose your own
path through Tolkien's world of Middle Earth. What you choose for your
character, and how you act, should be based on the role and history you
have defined for your character.
To roleplay is to behave as your character would behave based on that
character's history and defined role in the game, not as you the typist
would behave in real life. Actions done as your character would do them
are called In Character (IC), while actions unrelated to your character
are called Out of Character (OOC).
The 'legendinfo' command and the OOC comm are provided for Out of
Character communication. All other areas should be considered In
Character. Some of these IC roleplaying tools are:
- Character descriptions, stories, surnames, and titles -
To allow a full immersion into your role, we allow you to fully
describe and communicate your character's appearance and history.
These descriptions should only be used as intended, and should not be
used to store inappropriate ascii art, logs, political statements,
URLs, or the like.
- Bulletin boards and IC comms -
Each board and comm has a specific purpose, please use them as
intended. Boards should never be used for personal attacks, flames,
or anything offensive.
- Crafting workshops to craft rings, swords, or the like -
Crafted objects are considered public communications, and must follow
all public communication rules. They must not contain any profanity,
personal attacks, flames, or anything offensive. We recommend they
be fitting in the environment of Tolkien's Middle-Earth.
- Musical Instruments -
Songs must follow all profanity and harassment rules. Keep this in
mind if you write a song meant only for your friends to hear but ends
up being played in public. We recommend that your songs be fitting
our environment.
Roleplaying is strongly encouraged, but not required. You are not
required to set a surname, a title, or a story. You are not required to
post on any boards or compose any songs. If, however, you choose to use
these features you must use them as they are intended and keep the
content T2T-oriented.
While journeying through Middle Earth your character can be arrested,
stolen from, and can even be killed outright by another player, all within
the rules of the game. There is a point, however, that a person stops
roleplaying and crosses the line into the area of harassment and
unacceptable behavior. Internal conflict is what makes the game fun, but
harassment and abuse ruin the game for everyone and will not be tolerated.
Additionally, there are actions and behaviors which, although not
illegal, represent a breach of "mud etiquette". These include typing in
all caps, using "leet speak" or aol speak, transferring information between
alternate characters, or other actions which destroy or weaken the illusion
of being in the thematic environment of Middle-Earth. Other actions which
fall into this category are:
- Quitting (using the quit command) or intentionally going linkdead to
avoid an in-game situation such as combat or law enforcement.
- Mapping an area while a ghost.
- Playing your many characters as the same character.
- Switching characters to avoid handcuffing or attacks.
- Threatening to use your alternate character to inflict harm or
See also: |
topics, rules, games, names, describe, surnames, titles, storyedit, instruments, legendinfo, harassment, profanity, multiplaying