
Multiplaying (Rules and Policies)There is no limit to the number of characters (alts) you can have on
The Two Towers. We recommend that you play each character as a separate
and distinct persona, but it is NOT REQUIRED except as outlined below.
However, we DO require that you observe the following rules:
- You may NEVER have more than one character on at the same time.
NOTE: Linkdead characters count as being logged on.
- Your characters cannot aid each other in ANY WAY, for example:
- Equipment, items, or gold may NOT be transferred between your
characters, except through a shop (i.e., Player A must sell it,
then log in as Player B and _buy_ it). Using a secondary player
as an intermediary is still considered an illegal transfer. You
are solely responsible for ensuring that your characters and the
equipment that they touch do not overlap, even if one of them has
been killed or has died.
- Using a guild shop or player-run shop where you can set your own
prices is also considered an illegal transfer. Items inside a
guildhall are common property. You may not take any item from a
guild of which your alt is a member, nor is any guildmember to
knowingly give guild equipment to a fellow member's alt.
- Using the find command and then logging on with an alt to use that
information to the alt's advantage is not allowed.
- Using alts to "tag team" one player or NPC is not allowed (eg. main
player gets monster down to 10 hp and then logs on the alt to make
the kill and collect the treasure).
Using one alt to perform an action that another alt cannot do
is not allowed (eg. main player gets stuck so logs on an alt
to pick a lock, main player has an issue with another player
so logs on an alt or alts to steal from or attack that person,
Note that PVP interactions in Mordor or other lawless areas
(Crypt, Battleground, other RP-related events) remain exempt
from this prohibition.
- You may not have more than one character in the same guild or clan.
This includes having an alt invited into your other alt's guild for
whatever reason. Guilds are not to be used as rotating safehouses/
service-providers by all of your characters, nor are any of your
characters allowed to interact, donate equipment or assist a guild
your main player is in.
- All characters are NON-TRANSFERABLE. Selling, giving, allowing access
to a character is strictly forbidden. Violations of this rule may
result in the destruction of all your characters and potentially a
siteban. This includes allowing another person to remote-control your
character via client-based triggers. See 'help botting' and 'help client abuse' for more on this.
There are also rules related to revealing the identity of alternate
- You may not publicly (comms, boards, shouts, or similar) discuss the
existing alts of anyone, including yourself. This includes publicly
asking for, or publicly offering to tell someone about, anyone's
alternate characters. It also includes making what you think to be
"jokes" about such matters. Just don't do it.
- You may publicly disclose your former identities (past characters).
You may discuss the former identities of other players, so long as it
is not used as a form of harassment. Take care when doing this however,
to make sure the character in question has not been re-created.
- Discussion of the alts, /real or imagined/, of Ainur, by anyone,
especially the Ainur themselves, is strictly forbidden. This includes
asking about Ainur alts, talking to an Ainu as if they were the alt of
a mortal character, etc. The entire topic of Ainur alts is one that
is simply best left alone. Ignore this advice at your own risk.
BE ADVISED:Revealing current alternate character information is only allowed in
private communications (tells, etc). Be advised however that if you choose
to reveal your other identities, you must live with the inevitability that
people you don't want knowing this information WILL find it out.
Revealing past alternate characters involves the risk of other players
and perhaps even Administrators treating you based on your past character's
behaviors. Reveal your past identities only at your own risk.
There is usually no way to confirm the claimed former identities of a
typist. Therefore no gold, equipment, or other reward or advantage should
be given to someone based on their past identity claims.
Overlords, Valar, and Powers have the right to ask you who your past
characters are and you are obliged to answer truthfully.