
Punishments (Rules and Policies)If you break a rule, you will be subject to punishment depending on
the severity of the offense and the judgement of the Ainur.
Our punishments include, but are not limited to:
- Warning - A warning is an official record that you have violated our
rules. A warning serves to remind you of our rules and how you have
violated them, so that you do not violate them again.
- Silencing - Silencing removes your ability to talk on comm channels,
tells, shouts, or other methods of communication.
- Imprisonment - Imprisonment is a temporary measure used to isolate
an offender until they can be dealt with by the Administration.
Note that we also sometimes imprison players who are only suspected
of rule breaking and are kept for questioning; if you did not do
anything wrong and find yourself imprisoned, remain calm. Sooner
than later a Power will contact you to explain the situation.
- Loss of a Hand - This punishment involves the removal of one of
your character's hands, leaving you only one free hand, hindering
your gameplay.
- Leprosy - This punishment is the infliction of a disease on your
character. While diseased you will constantly lose hit points.
Additionally your description will be disfigured and everyone around
you will receive notifications that you are diseased.
- No Lawsys Protection - This will render the criminal unable to report
any crimes committed against them via the in-game lawsys, effectively
making them "fair game" for kills and theft. Note, however, that this
punishment does NOT make it OK to harass the person via excessive
stealing, or any other harassment rules. This punishment will force
the offender into having their PvP flag on, naturally.
- Suspension - A suspension is the inability to log in to the MUD for
a period of time. This suspension period allows you to cool off and
reflect on your actions before being allowed back.
- Deletion - Deletion, also known as "nuke", is the deletion of your
character and potentially your alternate characters as well. This
is usually reserved for repeat violations of the rules, cheating
which has given your character an unfair advantage such as bug abuse
or botting, or any incident of a zero-tolerance behavior such as
In addition to the above punishments, we have the ability to prevent
users from any IP address(es) from connecting with either new or existing
characters. This is known as a ban. Bans are placed when it has become
impossible to control characters, often cheaters or harassers, from
continuing to create characters and disrupt the MUD.
Unfortunately, often as a result of banning IP addresses to prevent
harassers from creating new characters, some innocent players end up locked
out of the MUD as well. If this happens to you, go to the following web
address: http://www.t2tmud.org/contact.php
Using the above link you can send an email to the Administration
requesting access and we will put your name on an exception list, allowing
your named character to bypass the ban.
There are two types of bans:
- Softban - No new characters can be created from a site. Current ones
can still be played as normal, however. Often applied when some idiot
decides it is fun to create a million characters and harass people.
- Hardban - No one from this site can log on to T2T at all unless
registered as an exception as explained above. Note that suddenly being
able to log into the MUD from a previously banned address does NOT mean
your hardban has been lifted. The only way to confirm that a hardban
is lifted is to ask the Admin via law report. If you choose to play
without confirming that your ban is no more, you risk deletion of all
characters, and any friends that have helped you also risk punishment
(per 'help troublemaking' #1).