
Troublemaking (Rules and Policies)Our goal is to provide a fun, challenging gaming environment for all
of our players. In return we ask that our players abide by our rules and
play the game in the spirit in which it is intended to be played. We ask
that our players respect the game, respect the Ainur and respect each
other, even if they don't always agree with everything that happens.
Excessive troublemaking will not be tolerated. This is by nature a
very subjective statement, and every case will be different. However,
here are some items to avoid/keep in mind:
- Do not knowingly aid a player who has been banned from the MUD. If
you know/suspect someone is evading a hardban, file a law report
immediately. Note that suddenly being able to log into the MUD from
a previously banned address does NOT mean a typist's hardban has been
lifted. The only way to confirm that a hardban is lifted is to ask
the Admin via law report. If someone chooses to play without confirming
that their ban is no more, they risk deletion of all characters, and
any friends that have helped them also risk punishment.
- As mentioned above, and as is touched upon in 'help rules', 'help harassment' and other help files, treat your fellow players, and the
game as a whole, with respect. Excessive 'hating' is not something
that we want to see on our game. See also #4 below.
- Excessive complaining (also known as 'whining'), public insults
directed towards the Ainur or the Administration, flames, taunts, or
other similar disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Don't log on drunk and be an idiot. This includes prolonged typo-laden
blithering on public channels, extended abusive/negative tirades, etc.
- If there is a change or administrative action which you disagree with,
remain calm and learn about why the change was made. Once you
understand the reason why, you may come up with what you feel is a
better suggestion. Making suggestions is fine, even encouraged. There
will however be cases where a change will just have to be lived with.
Please try to do so with as much grace and understanding as possible.
- Purposefully trying to find loopholes in the rules as written is
highly discouraged. We take a "spirit of the law" approach to rule
enforcement, and if you make a habit of finding gray areas and walking
the line, you will eventually have cause to regret it.
- Encouraging, instigating or offering rewards for rulebreaking, or
actively working to subvert game rules or admin decisions, will not
be tolerated.
In closing, a reminder: this not-for-profit MUD is a free service
provided to you by a volunteer staff of Administrators and maintained by
the Ainur as a whole. By creating a character here, you are a member of
The Two Towers community. We simply ask that you behave responsibly,
respectfully, and act in good faith. We reserve the right to deny
service to anyone at any time.