
Games (Roleplaying/Games Help)Apart from the more serious roleplaying content, we have implemented
a couple of fun games on The Two Towers. A few of them are available all
the time to everyone, while some take the form of scheduled events
controlled by the Ainur.
The permanent games we have are:
- acro - Located in Bree, acro is one of the oldest games in Arda.
- sharkey - A very popular party game, hosted by Bob in Staddle.
- hobboku - A brain-teasing puzzle game, run by Lukche in Staddle.
- el-ixir - A fun board game available in Khemnahr and Edoras.
- stones - A competitive board game available in Combe and in a
passhouse north of Turseg.
- morris - Nine Man's Morris is a popular board game playable in Esgaroth.
- chess - The traditional chess game, playable in Thranduil's bar, in
Asturasartes, and in the Grey Havens.
- draughts - A bit like chess, but not as complex. This game is playable
in Minas Tirith.
- poker - A simple poker game played against an NPC in Dale.
- roulette - A traditional roulette game in the Grey Havens.
- sattim daira - A code-breaker game in Azrakadar.
- darts - A simple, fun game of throwing darts available in Framsburg.
- pigs - A two-player game in Turseg.
- pebbles - A pebble-tossing game, available in Bucklebury.
- lottery - A weekly-drawn lottery, run by Chonkit the gambling master
is available in the outpost of Calenhad.
- blackout - A strange game played by (and with) gypsies in the wandering
gypsy camp.
- golf - A golf hole is available in Buckland for players who want to
play golf and pay the rental fees.
The scheduled events we have are:
- event - The main Event of Arda, scheduled every year on the anniversary
of release of Minas Tirith: March the 15th. The Event is a special,
separate area with lots and lots of places to have fun!
- harvest festival - An annual casual, month-long event from October 31st
through the end of November which brings festivities that coincide with
a time that many players recognize as 'the holiday season'.
- battleground - Between one and two days into each reboot uptime, the
Battle Under the Trees in Mirkwood takes place. In it, the Free Races
battle the Evil Races and Servants, and the winning side receives
special bonuses for the rest of the uptime!
- killtracker event - A combat competition: who can kill the most monsters
in the shortest time!
- obelisk race - During the obelisk race, players are asked to run
between a number of obelisks, where the clue to the location of the
next one is in the form of a riddle.
To learn more details about a particular game or event, type
"help <game/event name>".