
Restricted commands (Command Help)In The Two Towers there are several player groups with special
privileges and responsibilities: newbie helpers, guildmasters and
playtesters. To perform their assigned duties, they need some special
commands. They are:
- gm, ptcomm, helpercomm - The comms available for the three special
player groups.
- gmnews, ptnews, hnews - The boards available for the three special
player groups. "ptnews" is read-only (only Ainur can write on it),
while the two others can be used actively by players.
- guildap, submission - Commands for guildmasters to describe features
of their guild and submit them to the Guilds Liaison.
- change - Lists TestMUD changes for playtesters to test.
- playtest - The do-it-all of playtesting; this command has multiple
arguments that control playtesting activity.
- makeprof - A helpful command for playtest characters that allows
them to switch their profession, level, race, etc. at will.
- namerestrict, jail - Tools for newbiehelpers to "punish" new
characters with offensive names or generally behaving badly.
Note that unless you belong to the respective group, you may
sometimes not even be able to view these commands' detailed help.