
Helper rules (Rules and Policies)OverviewThe purpose of Newbiehelpers on The Two Towers is to help introduce
new players to the game, in the hopes of helping them to become productive
and respectful long-term players of the MUD. It is the view of the
Administration of The Two Towers that this is one of the most important
roles that one can have. In recognition of this, the Administration sets
forth these rules and guidelines to provide a framework under which our
Helpers are expected to act.
General Newbiehelping Concepts/VisionThese are overarching concepts that apply to all Newbiehelpers.
Specific topics may be covered in more depth below.
The primary goals of our Newbiehelpers should be:
- To provide a positive influence for new players.
- To act in the best interests of the MUD as a whole, not any particular
group within it.
- To help new players become acclimated with the MUD interface.
- To help new players with basic navigation of Arda.
- To aid in correcting certain rules-related issues that may arise with
new players, including unacceptable names, improper use of the newbie
comm, etc.
Specific Newbiehelping Rules and Guidelines- Focus - Newbiehelpers should be focused on the good of the MUD as a
whole, and work towards its betterment in good faith.
- Conduct - Newbiehelpers are expected to be polite and helpful when
in the presence of new players, and to refrain from swearing,
obscenities, trash-talking and the like.
- Advertising - Pursuant to #1 above, no helper shall use their
position to promote a specific guild or clan. Answering questions
related to guilds or recommending points of contact based on a
newbie's stated RP/play-style goals is acceptable, but is to be
carried out in as limited and impartial a manner as possible.
- Freebies - Giving away equipment to newbies should be done in an
appropriate manner, and not to excess. The goal of the Newbiehelper
is to help new players learn how to do things for themselves, not
to make them reliant on equipment always being provided for them.
Any directly provided equipment should be appropriate to player's
level, stats, and stated RP desires.
- Respect - Newbiehelpers are expected to act respectfully towards one
another, and towards the game as a whole, when in the presence of
new players, regardless of personality conflicts or other issues.
Disagreements are to be expressed privately in tells or on the
Newbiehelper comm.
- Abuse - Any Newbiehelper found to be abusing his or her powers or
privileges, whether for personal gain, harassment, or any other
reason, violates the trust of the Administration and works against
the good of the MUD as a whole. Abuses of this nature will be
dealt with harshly.
- General rule-breaking - Newbiehelpers are expected to be good
role-models for our new players. Therefore, Newbiehelpers who choose
to break the rules of the MUD are doubly guilty, and will be dealt
with accordingly.
- Roleplay - To encourage thematic development and distinguish this
game from the many other themeless options, newbiehelpers are
encouraged (but not required) to act "in character" when meeting
new players face-to-face, with the understanding that some OOC
topics are not able to be effectively discussed while IC.
Enforcement of Rules and Newbiehelper ReviewThe Administration reserves the right to review the performance of
Newbiehelpers, either periodically or upon report of wrongdoing by
their peers or other players. Any Newbiehelper found to have broken
any of the rules above will be removed from the position, with possible
further punishments enacted if justified. The Administration further
reserves the right to enact bans on interaction with new players in
extreme cases.