
Guild new (Guild Help)Here is a step by step guideline to creating a guild, which begins
with the creation of a clan.
- First, a clan is created following the process outlined in 'help clan creation'.
- Once the clan has existed for six months and has at least ten members,
the clanmaster may propose to become a trial guild. This is done by
typing 'upgrade' in the clan creation room, which gives the clanmaster
a guild application form.
- The clanmaster completes the application form, which includes
questions about the prospective guild's location, membership, theme
and restrictions. Its core concept (e.g., charter) is transferred
directly from the clan description.
- When the clanmaster has completed the form, he or she can submit the
application to Valinor. This costs 10,000 gold and is done by typing
'upgrade' in the clan creation room.
- During the application process, the clan's numbers must remain above
10, or else the submission will be withdrawn and the clan will stay in
clan status for another 180 days before being allowed to reapply.
- The submitted clan proposal is reviewed by the Guilds Liaison. The
Liaison will give feedback to the clan leader about any items which
may need to be updated or changed. During this period the clanmaster
may use the guild application form to change their details, provided
that the core concept remain consistent with the clan's description.
The content of the guild application is not otherwise judged, only the
viability of it within our coded system.
- Once the Guilds Liaison is happy with the proposed guild, the
application will be sent to Valinor where they will discuss its
merits (as a 'prop'). Guild applications must show that the guild
satisfies at least the following three criteria:
- Uniqueness - The guild serves both a character population and
region which are not currently represented by an
existing guild, thereby filling a thematic niche.
The guild therefore brings something fresh to the
table that players cannot get elsewhere.
- Plausibility - The guild concept and its execution fit well within
Tolkien's world, as well as the current geographical
and chronological setting of the game.
- Quality - The documentation is highly polished and lacks
questionable content. It should be proofread for
grammatical errors and accurate in its thematics.
- If the application is accepted, the clanmaster must purchase a
guildhall in the clan room ('purchase guildhall'). It costs
500,000 gold to purchase a hall, which will be taken first from the
clanmaster's pockets, then from his or her bank account. At this
time the clan is automatically upgraded to guild status. Once the
hall has been put into the game, the guild is free to move in and
enjoy its new pedigree.
- If a guild is disbanded for any reason, it will revert into a clan.
If the clan is able to become a guild once more, it will only cost
100,000 gold to reclaim its guildhall.