
Guild application (Guild Help)The guild application is the manner in which a clan may apply to become
a guild or a guild may modify its existing content. The following things
can be set (or, for existing guilds, edited) in the guild application:
- The guild's name.
- The guild's charter.
This is mandatory and public, seen in the clan room, and must
initially be identical to the clan's description.
- The guild's theme statement. This is optional, seen in the clan
room and/or your members' room depending on the privacy setting).
- The guild's alignment, races, and professions. All races/profs
begin in the "Allowed" category as a default and then must be
moved accordingly as follows:
- The "Preferred" (Primary) category is for the race/prof that
would be the dominant population; even in mixed-race guilds,
there would be one race/prof that would be the signature group.
Therefore, in most cases, only one selection will be appropriate.
- The "Allowed" (Secondary) category is for any secondary populations,
if appropriate. Since there are no coded requirements for Preferred
or Allowed at this time, every Allowed selection should thematically
still fit if the guild were to be made up of 100% of that selection.
- All other races/profs should be placed in the "Disliked" (Tertiary)
category, which allows the guild to have whatever other member types
they like, up to 20% of their active membership. This allows guilds
to take exceptions or have tertiary populations that fit their concept.
- The guild's location.
- The guild's kill restrictions (KRs). KRs do not have to be directly
tied to guild's races/profs or alignment. They must, however, be
thematic for the guild's socio-political environment.
- The guild's missions. A handful of tasks that fit the guild's purpose
should be defined.