
Special objects (Objects Help)While most objects and NPCs in game respond just to the standard
commands or to their specific quest-related syntax, there are some that
have more complex functionality or a very special purpose. Each of them
has its own help file that details the available commands.
These objects and NPCs are:
- mounts - From horses through evil wargs to mumakil, there are many
creatures in Arda that can be ridden by players.
- panniers - The most common type of a 'mount pack', an object that can
turn your mount into a pack animal.
- wagons - Available only from four wagon builders in Arda, wagons
are the ultimate means of carrying large amounts of equipment.
- boats - As swimming in rivers and lakes of Arda can be quite dangerous,
especially while wearing full armour, getting ahold of a boat may prove
quite handy.
- pelt strings - Very popular container-like objects that can hold many
animal pelts.
- flying mounts - While it may be just a rumour, it is said that the
bravest of adventurers may be granted the privilege of flying a giant
eagle or a fell beast to reach places unreachable by others!
- boards, gossiper - To improve communication between players, The Two
Towers MUD has a bulletin board system implemented. The boards are
represented either as stationary objects where you can post notes, or
as NPCs who 'remember' what you tell to them, such as the gossiper.
- bows, arrows - The primary weapon of archers, bows and arrows have
special commands that make their usage slightly different from other
- spellbooks - Used primarily by wizards, the spellbooks hold all spells
known by the player.
- instruments - Musical instruments and songs were an important part of
Tolkien's world, and they are so in The Two Towers. There are many
instruments to be obtained around Arda on which you can play songs
you compose on your own or learn from others.
- pipes - While mostly used by the hobbits, smoking becomes a habit of
other races of Arda as well. On The Two Towers there are many pipes
and kinds of pipe-weed to find and smoke.
- climbing gear - A very useful piece of equipment, without which
completing quite a few quests becomes impossible.
- notebundle - Very useful for writers and poets, the notebundle allows
you to write pieces of text and keep them with you all the time.
- cards - We have a few decks of cards obtainable in Arda. They provide
generic commands, such as dealing and drawing cards, to allow you to
play any card game you want.
- armies - On the fields of Pelennor, we have implemented a mini-battle
system where players can take command of armies and fight both other
players and AI-controlled armies.