
Pvp system (PvP Help)Being a multiplayer game, The Two Towers offers a variety of ways
for players to interact with each other. In particular, if players
wish to solve their disputes in a violent way, we have a complex
Player-versus-Player (PvP for short) system implemented that allows
them to do so.
To know more about our PvP system, you should check the following
help files:
- sparring - The 'safe' way of fighting other players. Spar with others
when you want to check how PvP combat works, what damage weapons do,
or just for plain fun.
- pvp flag - Outside of sparring, participating in fatal PvP combat
requires switching your PvP flag on. This help file describes the
requirements and restrictions of doing so, as well as provides details
on the effects of the flag.
- playerkilling - With your PvP flag on, it is possible to attack and
kill other players.
- playerstealing - With your PvP flag on, it is possible to steal items
and gold from other players.
- lawsys - While the PvP flag allows you to freely attack and steal
from others, do not think that these acts are without consequences.
We have an in-game law system that ensures the victims can demand
justice for crimes committed against them; so, if you plan on being
a criminal, make sure you have enough gold in your banks!
- report, fines, arrest - Details of the process of lawsys.
- merciful - A command that lets you only make victims unconscious
rather than kill then.
- contracts - Do you want to kill someone but you are not an assassin
who can hunt effectively? No problem! We have a contract system
in place that allows you to put a price on someone's head. And
there are always players more than willing to claim the prize!
- blessing - To prevent rampant and repeated playerkilling of the same
person and low-level players, we have implemented a system that
protects against abuse: the Blessing of Mandos.
- levelbashing, spreekilling - The undesirable forms of playerkilling.
- raid - What to do when a wanted criminal hides in a seemingly
inaccessible place.
- battleground - An arena in which players can engage in risk-free PvP.