
Arrest (PvP Help)Arresting wanted players is a part of the MUD lawsys, and a pretty
important one: without arresting, players could escape law with impunity!
Any player can attempt to arrest any wanted player currently online.
To learn if there are any wanted players currently online, you can find
their names listed on a wanted poster that appears in all of the post
To make an arrest, you will need to go to a courthouse where you can
'deputize' (if you are a Free Race) or 'volunteer' (if you are an Evil
Race). When deputized/volunteered, you will be given a pair of handcuffs
(FR) or shackles (ER) to help you pin the criminal in place. With them,
you should seek the criminal; if you find that they hid themselves in an
unaccessible place, like their guildhall or an inn room, you may use the
'raid' feature to bring them out. Once you are in the same room, you can
'handcuff' (FR) or 'shackle' (ER) them and combat begins. During combat
with a captured player, the following rules apply:
- Neither you, nor the criminal may leave the room while fighting.
- Whoever of you runs out of HP first, loses. However, regardless of
the result, no player can die in handcuff combat - it works similarly
to 'merciful'.
- If the criminal loses, they will be transported to jail, and you will
be able to claim a reward at the courthouse.
- If you (the deputy/volunteer) lose, you will be knocked out, breaking
the restrains on the criminal who is then free to escape the room.
- After combat ends, both you and the criminal will have a two-minute
period of protection from PvP attacks.
- No other player may join in the fight; it will always be 1 vs 1.