
Mission rewards (Guild Help)The rewards for the Guild Mission system.Credits can be earned for completing a Guild Mission; each task
within a Mission has been assigned some amount of credit. When you
complete a task, you will be told how much credit you earned. Note
that if you complete the task with another guild member, the other
player may receive the credit instead of you.
When your guild has its rent withdrawn, rewards for your mission
activity shall be distributed. In general, you are always working
towards the next month's rewards.
There are 7 tiers of rewards available for the mission system.
- Guild Rent Reduction -
Up to 10,000 gold in rent reduction may be earned. 10 credits is worth
1 gold, so a guild must earn 100,000 credits to attain the maximum rent
- Free Conditioning -
When your guild has earned 130,000 credits, the armourer in your
armoury will provide 4 free conditions each reset. To receive the
condition, 'request condition for <item>' while in the armoury. To
learn how many conditions are still available this reset, 'request
- No-EP Guild Comm, More Conditions -
When your guild has earned 180,000 credits, your guild comm will no
longer require endurance to use. Additionally, the armourer in your
armoury will provide another 2 free conditions each reset (total of 6).
- 5% Price Discount at Bar -
When your guild has earned 210,000 credits, items sold at your guild
bar will cost 5% less.
- More Armoury Space, Another 5% Price Discount at Bar -
When your guild has earned 270,000 credits, items sold at your guild
bar will cost another 5% less (total of 10%) and your armoury will
be upgraded by 1 additional unit.
- Even More Armoury Space, Another 5% Price Discount at Bar -
When your guild has earned 330,000 credits, items sold at your guild
bar will cost another 5% less (total of 15%) and your armoury will
be upgraded by 1 additional unit (total of 2).
- Zounds, Even More Armoury Space -
When your guild has earned 380,000 credits or more, your armoury
will be upgraded by 1 additional unit (total of 3).
All Reward Tiers are incremental, so if you are at the 7th tier
you will receive the rent credit, 6 free conditions per reset, EP-free
guild comm, 15% discount at the bar, and 3 free armoury units (which
do NOT cap at 20; you may have up to 23 armoury units at tier 7!)
Each guild member may only earn 100,000 credits per month so only
the most active guilds will earn these credits! Also note that
if a guild member leaves the guild, their credits earned will be
reset to zero.