
Web client (Website Help)The web client for The Two Towers is available at the following address:
The client is meant to be a user-friendly interface to connect to the
game for both new and old players, accessible without needing to download
and install any third-party software. The web client should run fine on
any modern browser that supports Javascript and Flash.
FeaturesThe client is designed to act just like a regular MUD client, although
with limited features; it does not, for example, support triggers, aliases
and scripting. Its features include:
- Support of TELNET protocol (including window size negotiation, terminal
type, etc.)
- Support for ANSI colors
- Support of MCCP protocol (data compression)
- Support of MXP (enhanced MUD display)
- Unicode support
- Command history with auto-complete option
- Customizable display through various options (discussed below)
- Integrated browser of MUD help files with auto-completed search
- Possibility of changing in-game settings through the client GUI
interface: both environment variables and message colors
OptionsThe client has the following customization options (available through
the 'Options' popup window):
- Display prompt in the input window -
Checking this option moves the game prompt, as it is output by the
MUD, into the "input buffer": the window where you type your command.
As the prompt may display important in-game information, (see "help prompt"), this is quite handy to always have the information visible
rather than having it scroll out.
By default, this option is checked.
- Echo commands in the main window -
Checking this option causes every command you type to be output in the
main MUD window as soon as you enter it. The commands are displayed
in yellow colour. While having this unchecked can provide a visually
better "uninterrupted" output, it is generally good to know what you
have typed. This is important if, for example, you want to log your
progress through a quest and remember actions you have done.
By default, this option is checked.
- Echo prompt in the main window -
This option only becomes enabled if the two options above are also
enabled. Checking this option prepends the commands echoed in the MUD
window with your prompt. This can be useful if, for example, you want
to know how many hitpoints (HP) you had at that moment.
By default, this option is unchecked.
- Display the client background image -
When unchecked, the background image in the main client window will
no longer be displayed, leaving the background black. This may look
better for those accustomed to regular MUD clients.
By default, this option is checked.
- Wrap contents -
Checking this option automatically wraps the MUD text within available
window boundaries. If it is unchecked, a horizontal scroll bar will
appear in the window instead.
By default, this option is checked.
- Disable blink (Firefox browser only) -
Checking this option prevents the client from displaying blinking
text, forcing use of a coloured background instead. Blinking text
is very rarely sent by the MUD, so you will not see this effect very
often. Furthermore, Firefox is the only browser that supports blinking
text in the first place, so in other browsers this option will not
even appear.
By default, this option is unchecked.
- Keep last command in input -
When checked, each command you type will stay in the input buffer so
that you can repeat the commands by just pressing ENTER.
By default, this option is unchecked.
- Maximum buffer size (lines) -
This option specifies how long the MUD buffer can become until it is
truncated. Longer buffers allow you to have a longer "history" of your
actions in the MUD, although they consume more memory and may slow down
the client on some browsers, particularly Internet Explorer.
By default, this option is set to 1000.
- Command history size -
This option specifies how many of your entered commands the client
will save, for further browsing with up and down arrows and repeating.
By default, this option is set to 100.
Keyboard shortcutsThe client input text window supports the following keyboard shortcuts
(in addition to what your browser / operating system provides as a default
for text input fields):
- Enter - Sends the typed command to the MUD.
- Up arrow, Down arrow - Select previous/next command in command
history. This option allows you to quickly
repeat previous commands.
- ALT-P, ALT-N - Search command history back/forward for the
currently typed text. For example, if a few
commands back you typed "kill orc", typing
"ki" and pressing ALT-P will auto-complete
the command to "kill orc".
- CTRL-V, SHIFT-INS - While these are the standard "paste" shortcuts
for browsers, the web client overrides it to
slightly change behaviour. Namely, paste will
preserve new-lines: if you paste a multi-line
text (such as entered in notepad), you will
actually send a sequence of commands to the MUD.
This is handy when using the MUD's internal