
Sets (Technical Help)This help file details all the environment variables you can set on The
Two Towers. They control various things, from the text display to how your
character can behave in certain situations and react to certain events.
All these variables may be set with the "set" command. Also note that most
of them can also be manipulated through the more user-friendly interface of
the "settings" command.
- General MUD display configuration:
- newline - Adds a newline before all messages. Fixes linewrap on some
older clients.
- LINES - Sets the number of lines printed before --MORE--(%). If you
use a negative value and your client supports the TELNET protocol,
more will use all the lines of your screen except LINES. It cannot
be set higher than 200.
- clear_more - better looking --MORE--, but doesn't work on some
- menu_page_length - This allows you to modify menus to display however
many items on the list per page as you select. The default is 8, but
you could set this to anything from 3 to 99.
- Settings specific to the prompt:
- prompt - Set your prompt. See "help prompt" for more details.
- The following sets are only configurable in the $I portion of the
prompt, per the aforementioned helpfile. Set to "on" to enable, or
unset to disable them individually:
- prompt_party - Show party/lead/member statuses
- prompt_mount - Show lead/ride mount status
- prompt_spells - Show active spell effects
- prompt_ability - Show profession based status effects
- prompt_status - Show various player statuses, such as rest/afk
- prompt_tradeskill - Show active tradeskill usage
- Specific configuration of output of some commands:
- armour_verbose - When set to anything, the "armour" command will
display in verbose mode by default.
- armour_other - When set to "off", the "armour" command will not
display your autoloading items (protecting "other" area).
- tellhist_timestamps - Set this to "on" to show timestamps in your
- whodefault - Set this to your default "who" preferences.
- whocolor - If set to "on" it will turn on the display of colored
titles in the who list.
- gm_sort - Set how you would like "legend gm" to be listed. Setting
this variable to "gm" will sort alphabetically by GM name. Any
other setting (including no setting at all) will sort alphabetically
by guild name.
- comm_timestamps - When set to "off", you will not see timestamps in
any comm history. When set to "diff", the comm timestamps will
show you the time that has passed since the comm was made rather
than giving absolute time. The default (anything but "off" or
"diff") enables standard timestamps.
- commhist_color - When set to "off", history of comms won't be
- full_exit_color - When set to "on", the commas and "and" word in
room exits' description will be coloured with the exits/water_exits
color; normally they are left in the standard color.
- wear_autoloads - Causes 'wear all' to equip autoloading items, such
as some rings.
- party_board - When set to "on", causes you to automatically board and
disembark a boat when your party leader does.
- max_map_width - The maximum character width of "map" output.
- max_map_height - The maximum lines of "map" output.
- Settings specific to particular items/subsystems:
- show_all_crimes - Normally, the courthouse's "check reports" command
will not show crimes committed by people who did not log on for 30
or more days. Setting this variable bypasses that check and shows
all crimes.
- no_medalclip - When set, medals from RP battles won't be clustered.
- quest_messages - When not set, you will not receive any quest
completion messages. When set to "new", you will receive a message
when you complete a quest for the first time. When set to "on",
you will receive a message every time you complete a quest.
- announce_friends - If set, you will receive announcements when people
on your friends list who also have you on their friends list log into
the game.
- ignore_pipes - When set, you will ignore pipe messages.
- MUD mail settings:
- mail_wrap - When set, all incoming mail will be wrapped.
- mail_auto_cc - If this is set, you will automatically receive a copy
of all mail messages which you send out. Good for keeping your own
- mail_no_cc - Normally the mailer will prompt you for a list of people
you would like to copy your message to after you finish entering
it. (CC's take the same format as the to field). Setting this
environment variable flag will force the mailer to not bother
asking you.
- mail_entry_unread - When you enter the mailer, the automatic headers
listing will only show unread mail (useful for when you have a large
- Settings related to suppressing some messages you receive, to make the
MUD output easier to read:
- accessibility - If set to "on", various messages and quests will
attempt to present text in a screen reader-friendly format.
- briefcombat - If set, you will not hear combat messages other than
your own (swings targeted at you and from you).
- briefcommands - If set, you will stop receiving command messages
about multiple matching items.
- bowmessages - If this is set to "off", you won't see your own draw,
nock, and shoot messages in combat.
- ignore_eaglesight - If set, you will not receive warning messages
from the eaglesight command.
- hide_party_movement - Set this to minimize party movement messages.
- lead_messages - If set to "off", you will not receive the
"You lead ..." message when you lead a mount or pull a wagon.
- no_room_tags - If you are a Guildmaster and do not wish to see the
entrance settings for rooms of your guildhall (e.g. [public]), then
set this to hide them.
- Setting related to communication with other players:
- afk - If you are idle, the message from this setting is what people
get when they "tell" you.
- exempt_top - Set this to exempt yourself from "legend top" listings.
- Settings affecting behaviour of your character:
- autowield - If this is set to "off", you won't wield when you take
a weapon.
- automount - If set to "off", you won't remount your horse when you
return to it. Professional riders may set it to "always" to auto-
remount even in combat (at the cost of two busy rounds).
- autosheathe - If set to "off", you won't auto-remove your wielded
weapon even if it's sheathable.
- autoshoot - If this is set to "off", you won't use draw, nock, and
shoot a bow automatically in combat.
- autolead - If set to "on", you will automatically start leading a
mount you dismount, unless you are already leading another one.
- MXP settings:
- mxp - Determines how the MUD will detect your client's MXP support:
- When not set, MXP will be detected based by your client type
(client type can be viewed in "conninfo" command). Currently,
client types that are recognized to know MXP are "cmud", "zmud",
"mushclient" and The Two Towers web client ("JSMC").
- When set to "on", MUD will always assume that your client supports
MXP and perform on-login MXP negotiation regardless of client
- When set to "off", MUD will always assume that your client does
not support MXP and will not attempt to negotiate it.
- mxp_exit_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created for room exits.
- mxp_object_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created for objects within room's contents.
- mxp_inventory_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created for objects displayed in the "inventory" command.
- mxp_door_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created for doors mentioned in room's detailed description.
- mxp_board_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created for board/gossiper posts.
- mxp_more_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlink will not be
created for the --More-- prompt.
- mxp_help_links - When set to "off", MXP hyperlinks will not be
created when viewing help files.
- mxp_hp_ep_bars - When set to "off", MXP-based HP and EP gauges
will not be updated (although your client may still display them
if it "remembered" their existence from previous session).
- mxp_messages - When set to "off", MXP (HTML color, changing font
type/size on some clients) will not be present in "color" command
menu. If you have previously set some of your message classes to
use MXP, these settings will be ignored.
- mxp_images - When set to "off", inline images will not be displayed
(and you will see the default ASCII-art version instead).
Apart from the above, with the "set" command, you can also set the
default behaviour for semotes. For example, typing "set grin evilly"
will cause you to always grin evilly.