
Maiar (MUD Theme Help)The Maiar are powerful forces in Arda, subordinate only to Eru, the
One, and the Valar. Mortals have often called them gods.
The Maiar are much more numerous than the Valar, though fewer of
them have become known by name to mortals. Among those who are known
to the peoples of Arda are two general groupings: those who came to
Middle Earth in the Third Age, and those who did not but were known to
mortals from earlier Ages.
Maiar abroad in Middle Earth at the end of the Third Age include:
- Sauron - servant of Morgoth and likely the most powerful of all Maiar.
He is known to mortals - who fear to say the name "Sauron" aloud - as
the Dark Lord, Lord of Mordor, the Evil Eye, the Red Eye, the Lord of
the Dark Tower, the Lidless Eye, the Lord of Barad-dur, the Shadow,
the Nameless One. Most ominously, he is called the Lord of the Rings.
- The Istari - a group of at least five Maiar sent by the Valar to
Middle Earth to help mortals defeat Sauron. Although they are called
wizards, they are immortal demigods, unlike our 'wizard' profession:
- Saruman - at first counted the most senior and powerful of the
Istari, who has since become corrupted by power. He is called
Curumo in Valinor, Saruman the White among the Istari, the Wise,
Curunir, and most recently Sharkey, in the Shire.
- Gandalf - who proved to truly be the most powerful of the Istari.
Having traveled far and wide in Middle Earth to aid the Free Races,
he has many names among mortals, such as Mithrandir, Grey Pilgrim,
Grey Wanderer, Tharkun, Incanus, Greyhame, and Stormcrow. Among
the Istari, he is known as Gandalf the Grey. His real name, used
only in Valinor, is Olorin.
- Radagast - known as Aiwendil and, among the Istari, Radagast the
Brown, he currently lives in the wilderness.
- Alatar - one of the two Blue Wizards who long ago went east to act
against Sauron's agents and allies. He has not been seen or heard
from since, but it is rumored that his successes with Pallando have
given the Free Races a chance.
- Pallando - one of the two Blue Wizards who long ago went east to act
against Sauron's agents and allies. He has not been seen or heard
from since, but it is rumored that his successes with Alatar have
given the Free Races a chance.
- The Balrogs - also known as Valaraukar, only one, Gothmog, Lord of
Balrogs, has been named. It is unknown how many Balrogs still exist.
Maiar not in Middle Earth but known to mortals include:
- Ilmarë, the Handmaid of Varda.
- Eönwë, the Herald of Manwë.
- Osse, vassal of Ulmo.
- Uinen, lady of the seas and spouse of Osse.
- Melian, who married the Elven king Thingol, bearing Lúthien.