
Item commands (Command Help)During your travels in Arda you will come across many different
items for different purposes. It is important to learn how you can work
with them; the commands listed below are those used in relation to items:
- inventory - The main item-related command in game: displays the items
that you carry or the contents of a container. Shortcut for inventory
is "i".
- enc - Quick shortcut to display your current encumbrance.
- gold - A shortcut command for displaying only your gold.
- hands - A shortcut command for displaying only items held in your
hands; this command can also be used to show in-hand items of another
living being.
- get, take, put, drop, retrieve - The item movement commands. They
let you move items from place to place, such as from the room you are
in to yourself.
- wield, wear, remove, shift - Commands that let you actually use the
weapons and armour you find.
- sheath, sling, store, draw, unhand - Commands that let you move your
weapons and other items around your body, from containers such as
baldrics to your hands and back.
- open, close, lock, unlock - Commands that manipulate containers; they
can also be used with doors in rooms.
- eat, drink - These are rather obvious!
- light, ignite, extinguish - Commands that let you use light-emitting
objects, such as torches or magic crystals.
- skin - One of the most-used golding commands: when you kill an animal,
be sure to skin its corpse and sell the pelt for money!
- cook - Once skinned, animal corpses can be cooked to provide a decent
meal to restore your hit points. However, you may also cook meat that
came from other sources; furthermore, "cook" is also an interface for
the cooking tradeskill for complex recipes.
- empty, fill - Commands that deal with "drink" objects.
- tag, untag - These commands let you mark items as unsellable, so that
you do not accidentally leave them at the shop when you "sell all".
- throw - Lets you throw an item around, or at another living being.
Throwing heavy items can cause considerable damage!
- brew - Interface for the alchemy tradeskill; lets you brew a potion
from specified ingredients.
- poison - A command that lets you use the various dangerous substances
you may come across.
- packtag - For use with mount containers (such as panniers) and wagons;
this helpful command lets you sell contents of your "stationary"
container without the hassle of going back and forth to the shop.
- itemsort - Sort autoloading items one at a time in your inventory.