
Archer (Professions Help)From his hidden perch, bow and quiver at the ready, the archer
lines up his shot. The tip of his arrow traces the target's movements
until the moment is right. The string is released. With a resounding
'thwack' the arrow hits home and the quarry falls to the ground, stone
dead. From famed bowmen such as Beleg, Bard, and Legolas to the
everyday archers found throughout Arda, those skilled with the bow and
arrow are not to be trifled with.
Archery is a challenging profession, limited by the number of
arrows that can be carried and revolving around the use of one single
weapon: the bow, a powerful tool that can deal a great amount of damage
to an enemy. If you want to be the deadliest on the battlefield, able
to deal tremendous damage in a single shot but constrained by the
arrows in your quiver, the archer profession may be for you.
Archers have several skills which affect how well they use their
bows and arrows:
- Archery
- Fletching
- Deflecting
- Positioning
Archers are also proficient in the following abilities:
- Fletch
- Salvage
- Restring
- Kickback
- Multinock
- Tie
See also: |
topics, professions, skills, skills2, skills3, abilities, title.archer, archery, fletching, deflecting, positioning, fletch, salvage, restring, kickback, multinock, tie